
Tonik Bar Table Jux

This is JUX™ the beginning. Truly elegant hospitality furniture, our interpretation of bar seating and sets features stretched and continuous shapes that are folded and flared

Tonik Bar Stool Jux

This is JUX™ the beginning. Truly elegant hospitality furniture, our interpretation of bar seating and sets features stretched and continuous shapes that are folded and flared

Tonik Stool Jigger

No other stool measures up to JIGGER. Get it? Measure up? JIGGER, a bartending tool used to dole out the right amount of booze? Yeah, TONIK is not only great at serving up jokes, but they're also pretty darn good at creating furniture that is straight up fun and functional.

Tonik Rocking Chair Huey 18”

Are you ready to rock? Welcome to the stage, HUEY™! This commercial seating product is an ultra-modern take on the timeless concept of the rocking chair.

Tonik Rocking Chair Huey 16”

Are you ready to rock? Welcome to the stage, HUEY™! This commercial seating product is an ultra-modern take on the timeless concept of the rocking chair.

Tonik Lounge Chair Goby

According to Wikipedia, GOBY “are fishes of the family Gobiidae.” Gobi is also a desert within China and Mongolia.

Tonik Love Seat Goby

According to Wikipedia, GOBY “are fishes of the family Gobiidae.” Gobi is also a desert within China and Mongolia.

Tonik Stool Dimple

DIMPLE is a multi-use marvel with a super cute name that yells “take me home.

Tonik Planter Dimple

DIMPLE is a multi-use marvel with a super cute name that yells “take me home.”

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